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Food is Medicine, Winter Breakfast Recipes

Writer's picture: viviraevivirae

Updated: Jul 12, 2022

Do the seasons guide your routines and eating habits? Ancient Ayurvedic wisdom inspires us to thrive by paying attention to our environment and eating accordingly. For instance, during these cold dry winter days, we benefit by eating warm moistening foods, more healthy fats and meat (if you eat meat) and lots of well-cooked vegetables and stews. In the summer when our digestion is strong, the hot sun and long active days entice us to eat raw, light, cooling foods- such as salads and smoothies. As summer turns to fall we turn to root veggies and nourishing soups. After winter, spring takes us into a detox from heavy foods, and we start to eat lighter again.

Within these Ayurvedic guidelines, it’s important to find the foods that best balance our unique bodies day to day. I’m always learning more about this! Sometimes it’s confusing with the plethora of opinions about diets. I especially find it odd that our medical system, which so many turn to in search of healthy food advice, seem to know the least! However, in my own research I have found some constants over the years: Growing as much of our own food as possible and supporting our local organic farmers; reading the ingredients on food labels that we buy to make sure they are free of additives, preservatives, flavors, sugar etc.; removing processed foods, gluten, wheat, sugar and dairy; Limiting or avoiding caffeine & alcohol.

This fall, I read Dr. Aviva Romm’s book, Hormone Intelligence, and I really resonate with her suggestions and recipes. I now make sure every meal includes a wide array of plants, healthy fats, (ex.olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, nuts/seeds), and protein (this doesn’t mean meat at every meal-nuts/seeds, combinations of veggies, whole grains, and legumes can all be good sources too). Aviva’s recipes are delicious and fun to make.

Let’s start with some yummy breakfast recipes which were a struggle for me before I read Aviva’s book. I’ll offer you a few of my new winter favorites. Stay tuned for Lunch/Dinner Recipes, Treats/Snacks Recipes, and Water is Medicine Too-all upcoming. All the following hot "cereals" are made with 1 part grain/seed to 2 parts water (boil the water first so they down't turn to mush! Add more liquid if needed), a pinch of salt, and simmered until done, about 15 min, let rest to fluff a few minutes before serving.

-Cooked Locally Grown Oats Topped with ground flax and sesame seeds, grass fed butter or ghee, cinnamon, toasted walnuts and coconut flakes, chopped apples

-Cooked Kasha (Buckwheat-which is neither wheat nor a grain-it’s technically a seed, so easy to digest with a lovely nutty flavor) Topped with a sauce made of half miso and half tahini and a little warm water (I use a tablespoon of each), and a couple dollops of kimchi

-Cooked Millet (another seed that cooks like a grain and leaves you full, but not heavy like some grains can) Topped with hemp seeds, sauce of thawed frozen raspberries and blueberries, cinnamon, and nut milk (I love the Elmhurst Hazelnut or Walnut! Elmhurst is one of the only brands of nut milks that has no additives. A great alternative to making your own, although making your own is simple too!)

-Eggs or Tofu made your way with sautéed garlic, spinach, sliced

avocado, kimchi, and roasted Delicata squash rounds or sweet potato rounds

-Seed Bread (made from Aviva’s book, or something similar to this recipe) Topped with avocado/lemon/garlic/cilantro mash and a side of roasted kale

Sometimes, I sub the oat flour for almond flour, or the buckwheat flour for millet or cassava flour. Along with the walnuts, I like topping these with raspberry blueberry cinnamon sauce or sliced banana & coconut

Do you have any recipes you’d like to share?? If so, please comment below!

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Membro desconhecido
10 de dez. de 2021

I will definitely be making the buckwheat and flax pancakes!! Thank you for sharing <3

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