I grew up on a small organic farm in rural Maine, and one of my favorite snacks in the early summer was Rhubarb. My siblings and I ate it raw! My mom made delicious Strawberry Rhubarb pies, Rhubarb muffins, and Rhubarb compote.

In my adult years, I’ve learned some of the many health and herbal benefits of Rhubarb.
Garden Rhubarb, Rheum Rhabarbarum, is a perennial, and while the stalks are edible, the leaves are toxic. Rhubarb’s role started medicinally over 5000 years ago in China. Their roots were dried and prized as a laxative. Rhubarb provides antioxidants, digestive support, as well as anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, and cooling properties.
In the 19th century, people started enjoying Rhubarb for its culinary value. The stalks are quite sour, and when cooked, they offer a delightful tart flavor. Rhubarb is a great source of fiber, Calcium, and Vitamin C and K.
Check out some of my favorite Rhubarb Recipes below!

Rhubarb Rose Tulsi Oxymel Oxymels are Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar herbal infusions. This particular blend helps digestion and detoxing. It is re-energizing, re-hydrating, and cooling, especially supportive during the heat of the summer when fatigue and burnout 🔥 can set in.
Try making a batch or, if you prefer, order some from me. I have a fresh batch steeping for you!
-Slice Fresh Rhubarb to fill a mason jar
-Add Fresh Rose Petals and Fresh Tulsi
-Add raw Honey and raw Apple Cider Vinegar to fill (proportions to your liking of sweet vs sour)
-Mix well
-Let steep for a moon cycle
-Strain out Rhubarb, Tulsi, and Rose and keep the herbal liquid.
-Add a couple spoonfuls to your water, mocktails, or take on its own
Maple Rhubarb Switchel “Switchels” are infusions made with Apple Cider Vinegar and Molasses or Maple Syrup. This refreshing drink is also called “Haymaker’s Punch”, and dates back to the 1700s, when it was enjoyed by farmers during the hot haying season to help hydrate and energize.
-Slice Fresh Rhubarb to fill a mason jar
-Add a couple slices of fresh Ginger
-Add handful of Fresh Lemon Balm
-Add raw Apple Cider Vinegar and Molasses or Maple Syrup to cover.
-Mix well
-Let steep for at least two weeks
-Strain out Rhubarb and bottle the herbal liquid
-Add a big pour to your water, mocktails, or take on its own

Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp
-Slice fresh local Rhubarb
-Slice fresh local Strawberries
-Mix enough Local Oats, Almond Flour, Coconut Sugar and Coconut oil to make a crumb topping.
-Toss rhubarb with some of the Oat mixture and place in your baking dish.
-Top with the rest of your Oat mixture. Add extras on top like shredded Coconut and Pecans if desired
-Bake at 400' 25 minutes until golden
Rhubarb Sauce
In a saucepan, simmer:
-4c Chopped Rhubarb
-½ c Maple Syrup
-1 t Vanilla Extract
Once soft, blend until desired consistency. Spoon over organic local yogurt, spread on homemade fresh pancakes, fresh homemade banana bread, or blend into a smoothie